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EXHIBITIONS 2011 > 2019

* Espace Thorigny Le Marais | Paris (France) | "Indigo", November 28 to December 15, 2019
Duo show with Stéphanie Ledoux

* Musée des Arts asiatiques | Nice (France) | "Nomades d’Asie", July 26 2017 to January 08, 2018

* No Mad Festival | Cergy (France) | "Asie Centrale", June 17 and 18, 2017
Group show with Sabrina & Roland Michaud

* INALCO (Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales) | Paris 013 (France) | "Nomades", March 28 to April 30, 2017

* Dahomey Gallery | Paris 011 (France) | "Ashayer, les derniers nomades d'Iran", December 15 to 24, 2016

* Paris Photo / Grand Palais | Paris 008 (France) | "Bleu éternel", November 09 to 13, 2016
in collaboration with Huawei Photo Academy

* Cité de l'Architecture et du Patrimoine | Paris 016 (France) | "Habiter Le Campement", April 13 to August 29, 2016

* Musée de l'Histoire et de l'Immigration | Paris 014 (France) | "Addenda", March, 2016
Group show with Combo & Raphael Federici

* GreenWood Gallery | Paris 003 (France) | “Ashayer”, December 10 to 24, 2015

* 59 Rivoli Gallery | Paris 001 (France) | “Territoires” December 09 to 16, 2013
Duo show with Antoine Puisais

* CHUV | Lausanne (Switzerland) | “56000km”, August 29 to October 31, 2013

* Villa Massalia | Marseille (France) | “56000km”, September 11 to October 10, 2012

* Hôtel Lutetia | Paris 006 (France) | “56000km”, September 5 to October 17, 2011