Driving my van through Caucasus, Persia and Central Asia for one year...
4000 kilometers along the Black Sea (Karadeniz)
4000 kilomètres le long de la Mer Noire (Karadeniz en turc) entre Istanbul et Tbilissi...
If you want to have an idea of what I feel when I was along the Black Sea you can listen to this song :
The Sultan Ahmed Mosque is a historic mosque in Istanbul. The mosque is popularly known as the Blue Mosque for the blue tiles adorning the walls of its interior. It was built from 1609 to 1616, during the rule of Ahmed I | TURKEY
Waistcoats seller in Istanbul streets | TURKEY
Bosphorus of Istanbul | TURKEY
Shisha time in Istanbul | TURKEY
All Black everything : Sky, water, sand, car... | TURKEY
Posted in front of Amasra harbor | TURKEY
Amasra | TURKEY
Along the Black Sea | TURKEY
Mechanic Garage owner in Sinop | TURKEY
A fisherman mending his net in Sinop harbor | TURKEY
Sinop Fortress Prison is one of the oldest prisons of Turkey, it was established in 1887 within the inner fortress of the centuries-old fortification located on the northwestern part of Cape Sinop. The prison was closed down in 1997 | TURKEY
Sinop streets | TURKEY
Trabzon is located on the historical Silk Road, became a melting pot of religions, languages and culture for centuries and a trade gateway to Iran in the southeast and the Caucasus to the northeast | TURKEY
Sumela Monstery, a Greek Orthodox monastery dedicated to the Virgin Mary founded in 386 AD | TURKEY
Ardeşen | TURKEY
Goderdzi Pass | Between Batumi and Akhaltsikhe | GEORGIA
Khertvisi Fortress in Akhaltsikhe was built around the thirteenth-fourteenth centuries, and saw fighting during the Ottoman invasion | GEORGIA
At the borders of Christianity | GEORGIA
Enter in the Christian world | David Gareja monastery | GEORGIA
David Gareja is a rock-hewn georgian Orthodox monastery complex located in the Kakheti. The complex includes hundreds of cells, churches, chapels, refectories and living quarters hollowed out of the rock face | EASTERN GEORGIA
Svetitskhoveli Cathedral (11th century) in Mtskheta are amongst the most significant monuments of Georgian Christian architecture, and are historically significant in the development of medieval architecture throughout the Caucasus.
Jvari Monastery is a Georgian Orthodox monastery of the 6th century near Mtskheta. The name is translated as the Monastery of the Cross | GEORGIA
Mtskheta, located at the confluence of the Aragvi and Kura rivers, is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world | GEORGIA
After Tbilissi | capital city of GEORGIA
Gori bakery | GEORGIA
Front of Uplistsikhe, an ancient rock-hewn. Built on a high rocky left bank of the Mtkvari River, it contains various structures dating from the Early Iron Age to the Late Middle Ages | GEORGIA
Uplistsikhe is notable for the unique combination of various styles of rock-cut cultures from Anatolia and Iran, as well as the co-existence of pagan and Christian architecture | GEORGIA
Surami | GEORGIA
Preparation of Khachapuri, traditional Georgian dish of cheese-filled bread | GEORGIA
The Katskhi pillar is a natural limestone monolith located near the town of Chiatura. It is approximately 40 meters. The rock, with visible church ruins on its top surface, has been venerated by locals as the Pillar of Life, symbolizing the True Cross. The church dating from the 9th or 10th century | GEORGIA
Lunch at Chiatura | GEORGIA
Paris > Tbilissi = 7712 km without highway and toll. Only smalls roads and time...
> insta & twitter : @karesleroy
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Vers l'Orient
From Paris to Istanbul | De Paris à la porte de l'Orient
Wednesday May 21st, I left Paris for Istanbul for a one-year travel in Caucasia, Persia and Central Asia.
I only drove on trunk roads and never used highways. It took me 12 days and 4049 kilometers to arrive. Considering lots of sharp turns, changing roads, u-turns, and requests for the right route. But that's the concept of my journey. It allowed me to meet people from small villages, share with them, get invited and being able to take pictures. Even if this time The Balkans are not at the heart of my subject -since I am briefly crossing this part of Europe- I still had the chance to admire its landscapes for the second time.
This is not a blog ! ! ! There will be little information and feelings shared, mostly photographs with captions. The ones whom are the most interested in my work can follow my travels until I reveal what I really came across. Hopefully, this research will lead to a book and a film -that's what I am aiming for...
Here is an aperçu of my first two weeks :
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Le Mercredi 21 mai 2014 à minuit, je suis parti de Paris en direction d'Istanbul pour un voyage d'un an dans le Caucase, la Perse et l'Asie Centrale.
N'ayant utilisé que des nationales et départementales et aucune autoroute, j'ai mis 12 jours et 4049km pour y parvenir. Cela implique beaucoup de détours, de changements de route, de retour en arrière, de demandes de chemin. Mais c'est ma conception du voyage. Cela me permet de rencontrer les habitants de petits villages, de partager, de me faire inviter et de prendre des photos. Même si pour cette fois, les Balkans ne sont pas au coeur de mon sujet et que je n'ai fait que traverser rapidement cette région de l'Europe, j'ai pu une fois de plus admirer ses paysages.
Ceci n'est pas un blog ! ! ! Je donnerai donc peu d'informations et de ressentis. Quasiment que des photos accompagnées de quelques légendes. Les gens les plus intéressés par mon travail pourront ainsi suivre ma route jusqu'à ce que je dévoile un jour ce que j'y ai vraiment trouvé. Ces recherches donneront sûrement lieu à un nouveau livre et un film. En tous cas, je l'espère et je travaille pour...
Un aperçu de ces 2 premières semaines en images :
Paris... 5 minutes before departure | FRANCE
Represent my roots
First wake up front of Annecy lake | FRANCE
Annecy | FRANCE
Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne | FRANCE
Esseillon fortress of XIXe century in Savoie | FRANCE
Rice fields | ITALIA
Venezia by night | ITALIA
Most Na Soci | SLOVENIA
Vukovar close to the Border of Serbia | CROATIA
Between Novi Sad and Belgrade | SERBIA
Skadarlika, bohemian quarter of Belgrade | SERBIA
Collage in Skadarlika (more in www.karesleroy.com/streetart) | SERBIA
Red Star of Belgrade stadium | SERBIA
In bulgarian hills | BULGARIA
First steps along the Black Sea | BULGARIA
Turkish border | BULGARIA
Istanbul, The door of Orient | TURKEY
Paris > Istanbul = 4049.8km without highway and toll. Only smalls roads and time...
> insta & twitter : @karesleroy
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New Departure
Nouveau départ vers l'Orient
Here begins a new journey, a new project ... A year I'll go in my van and you can follow along the way. From Paris of the Pamir Mountains. From Europe to Central Asia through Caucasus and Persia, on forgotten Asian Routes.
Ici commence un nouveau voyage, un nouveau projet... Une année que je vais passer dans mon van et que vous pourrez suivre au fur et à mesure. De Paris aux montagnes du Pamir. De l'Europe à L'Asie Centrale en passant par la Perse, sur les Routes oubliées d'Asie.
Paris > Annecy | 21 Mai 2014 | FRANCE